Internet SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan

SMK N 2 menggunakan internet dengan 3 cara.
1. Jaringan dari SMK N 1 Teluk Kuantan
Jaringan yang dari SMK N 1 Teluk Kuantan menggunakan biaya sebesar Rp. 20.000.000,- dan ditanggung oleh sekolah. Tapi sekarang jaringan yang dari SMK N 1 Teluk Kuantan sudah tidak connect lagi.
2. Internet sharing dari Dinas Dikpora Kab. Kuantan Singingi
Internet sharing dari Dinas Dikpora ini menggunakan biaya sebesar Rp. 50.000.000,- tetapi biaya ini ditanggung oleh pemerintah. Dan jaringan ini juga sudah tidak connect lagi.
3. Speedy dari Telkom
Internet dengan menggunakan speedy inilah yang sekarang di pakai oleh SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan. Dengan menggunakan biaya Rp. 750.000,- per bulan.
Jaringan dengan menggunakan speedy ini digunakan melalui kabel telepon. Disambungkan ke modem lalu dihubungkan ke Hub/Switch 1. Dari Hub 1 ini dibagi ke 18 komputer. Dan 1 komputer dihubungkan lagi ke Hub 2. Dari Hub 2 ini juga dibagi ke 18 komputer yang terdapat di dalam labor internet SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan. Dan 1 komputer lagi dihubungkan ke Hub 3. Dari Hub 3 ini digunakan untuk internet di luar ruangan dengan menggunakan Acces Point. Jaringan di luar ruangan ini connect lebih kurang 100 meter lingkaran.

About Me

Wika Afriana
My name is Wika Afriana, My friends called me Wika, I was born on April 2,1991, I am the first in my family.... Now, I am seventeen years old. Now, I school in SMKN 2 Teluk Kuantan,,,
Lihat profil lengkapku

Live In die

2009 is in front of U

Take the words in your mind

Write your wishes in your heart

Live your life with arm wide open

Let tomorrow be the day when your books begins

Let's welcome the year of miracle...

Senin, 09 Februari 2009


Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or " wires". The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the contaxt is clear, the term is often shortened to "wireless". Wireless communication is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications.
Handles wireless radios such as this Maritime VHF radio trasceiver use electromagnetic waves to implement a form of wireless communication of technology.The term "wireless" has become a generic and all-encompassing word used to describe communications in which electromagnetic waves or RF (rather than some form of wire) carry a signal over part the entire communication path. Common examples of wireless equipment in use today include:
1. Professional LMR (Land Mobile Radio) and SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio)
2. Consumer Two Way Radio including FRS (Family Radio Service), GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) and Citizens Band (CB)radios
3. The Amateur Radio Service (Ham Radio)
4. Consumer and proffesional Marine VHF radios
5. Cellular telephones and pagers
6. Global Positioning System (GPS)
7. Cordless computer peripherals
8. Cordless Telephone sets
9. Satellite television
10. Wireless Gaming

Wireless Communication can be via:
1. Radio frequency communication
2. Microwave communication
3. Infrared (IR)
Appliance may involve point to point communication, point to point mutipoint communication, broadcasting, cellular networks and other wireless networks.
The term "wireless" should not be counfused with the term "cordless", which is generally used to refer to powered electrical or electronic devices that are able to operate from a portable power source without any cable or cord to limit the mobility of the cordless device through a connection to the mains power supply.

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